Why does every database developer learn Snowflake cloud data warehouse?

Real-time analytics about a company’s operations are becoming increasingly common. Naturally, the development tools and capabilities play a big role in data application development. However, developers should choose the tools in their toolbox wisely to ensure they can create and deploy the most effective data apps possible for their internal and external clients. As a result, some organizations are incorporating integrated analytics into their existing SaaS applications in order to improve their value proposition.

What Is a Snowflake and What Makes It Unique?

Snowflake is one of the few enterprise-ready cloud data warehouses that doesn’t sacrifice features and still brings the simplicity. It scales up and down automatically to find the right balance of performance vs. cost. Snowflake is known for its ability to distinguish compute and storage. This is notable because virtually every other database, like Redshift, blends the two, requiring you to size for your most demanding workload and incur the associated costs.

Why does every database developer learn Snowflake cloud data warehouse?

Snowflake in our opinion is the greatest cloud data warehouse available.


With Snowflake, there is never a need for a large server. If you use conventional technologies, you’ll need to set up a large server that you’ll have to upgrade later. Snowflake, on the other hand, may be mounted on a single small cluster and then scaled up and down.

There isn’t a problem with storage capacity. Traditional structures seem to be using an increasing amount of space. Snowflake, on the other hand, is built on cloud-based blob storage, which is cost-effective, modular, and redundant.

Snowflake is on par with other data warehouse upstarts like Google Big Query and Amazon Redshift in terms of popularity. Thousands of businesses use the service, making it very common and profitable.

Here, security is important. Your information does not fall into the wrong hands. Snowflake’s data infrastructure is designed with security in mind. Multi-factor authentication, IP whitelisting, and AES 256 secure end-to-end encryption are among the security features.

Performance Tuning is Simple. Unlike most systems, Snowflake adequately handles its performance tuning all by itself. As long as the user follows the published best practices around organizing data, the database will be simple to use. The system is a higher performer. It’s simplified to have little requirements for DBA resources. It doesn’t need DBA to be staff full-time.

Follows ANSI SQL Protocol Snowflake follows the ANSI SQL protocol, which means it supports full structures and semi-structured data types like JSON, XML, ORC, Parquet, etc.

Data Safe in Case of a Disaster. Disaster recovery is not an issue with Snowflake. You will not worry about losing data with the system. It will never happen. The system automatically replicates data across three zones. In case they lose any two data centers, the third one will be the life-saver.

Software Patching, Maintenance & Upgrades, snowflake fully maintains the whole infrastructure. Talk about the software components like the OS, database software and other operations, and the hardware components. The system is transparent and offers users peace of mind.

You can separate Storage and Compute. Snowflake offers its users with a wide array of benefits, and even though this is uncommon in the data warehousing solutions, it allows storage and computes to be separated.

Performance & Concurrency not an Issue. Clusters can be resized with unexpectedly high data volumes, so performance is a non-issue. Concurrency is not an issue, as well. Snowflake clusters can be configured to scale out automatically to fit more users then scale back when the number of users goes down.

If you wish to learn Snowflake, head on over to Upscale

UPSCALE provides the best courses to learn snowflake, Azure, AWS and Data Science. We highly recommend to learn it from there. Active, practical and application based learning is provided to become a PRO.